Monday, May 10, 2010

Stata Building

The building I chose for my architecture project was the Stat Building. It is actually a complex of buildings on the MIT campus located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The building was designed by architect, Frank Gehry. Although the building has been criticized for being impractical for it’s inhabitants as well as being overpriced, I think the exterior is interesting and original.

This project took, by far, much longer than any of the other projects for this class. Every one of the windows had to be made individually because their complex shape and the different perspectives made them impossible to copy and paste. I probably could have continued to add more and more details to this project for days but, overall, I am happy with the final result.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Type Portraits

This project did not turn out the way I thought it was going to. When the project was first assigned I thought the shape portrait would be the easiest, the line would be a little harder and I was going to hate the value. As it turned out, the shape portrait actually gave me the most problems. The line portrait went pretty much the way I expected it to. For the value portrait, I had trouble getting started, but once I figured out what I was doing, it was pretty easy and turned out to be my favorite of the three.

For the shape portrait, I chose a picture of me from last Christmas at my dad's. If I had known I was going to look like a mutant, I probably would have chosen a different picture. For the line portrait, I chose a picture of me on stage with my band. For the text, I chose the lyrics to the song "Sober" by Tool because that is the song I am playing in the picture. For the value, I chose a picture of me on my laptop with my dog looking over my shoulder. I used Steve Jobs' keynote speech from when he introduced the iPhone for this photo because it has my Macbook Pro in it and the introduction of the iPhone is when I officially became a Mac fan.

Monday, April 19, 2010


For our logo design, we wanted something that would represent not only Forks Township’s rich agricultural history but also the industrial growth of the area. We feel that the leaves in our design accomplish exactly that as well as represent the growth of the community as a whole. The logo design can also represent the need for local businesses to begin thinking green and start to decrease their carbon footprint. We chose a light green to give the feel of spring, the season of growth. Then we chose an orange that would not only complement the green but also be strong enough to stand on it’s own when used for text. Finally, we added a thick underline to tie the whole logo together.
Overall, we believe our logo is successful because it is simple and recognizable. In addition to working in both color and black and white, the logo stands out equally well on a light or dark background.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Jurassic Party

I call this project Jurassic Party. The dinosaurs have thrown themselves a costume party for their ultimate retirement (their extinction). The T-Rex has dressed like a pirate and found an old table leg to use for a peg leg. The brontosaurus dressed like Flavor Flav because every costume party needs a Flavor Flav.

My inspiration for this project actually came to me when I was halfway done working through it. My T-Rex photo was missing one of his legs and I said as a joke, “I should give him a peg leg!”… and inspiration was born. From there I had fun dressing up the dinosaurs in stupid costumes and I added the party banner and boombox to complete the party atmosphere.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Avatar Poster

I recently saw 'Avatar' for the first time and it was one of the most visually amazing movies I have ever seen. I chose to do an 'Avatar' poster because I thought it would be fun to make myself into an Avatar. For the Avatar, I started by adjusting the hue and saturation until I got it close to the blue color that I wanted. I then had to darken my lips and the end of my nose with the burn tool. To get my nose right, I used the liquify filter to first stretch it out and then I used the burn tool to add some shading. I used the eye, ear and hair from the original poster. Then, I drew on the stripes and little dots. Then I used the dodge tool to lighten up the face closer to the sun. For my other face, I started by adjusting the levels and curves. Then I copied my eye to a new layer and then dropped the saturation way down on my face and bumped it up on my eye. I added a layer mask and used a gradient to make my shirt and neck fade into the background and then copied the one overlapping mountain to a new layer on top of me.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Boxers Monthly

The idea of this project was to create a cover for either a real or fictional magazine. I chose to create "Boxers Monthly" because I love my dog and I've always thought she was cute enough to be on the cover of a magazine. The blue color of the text was picked from one of her tags on her collar. For the box behind the magazine title, I created a repeating pattern with fire hydrants, bones and other dog related items. The font I chose was Target Book because I felt it was a fun, playful font.