Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Jurassic Party

I call this project Jurassic Party. The dinosaurs have thrown themselves a costume party for their ultimate retirement (their extinction). The T-Rex has dressed like a pirate and found an old table leg to use for a peg leg. The brontosaurus dressed like Flavor Flav because every costume party needs a Flavor Flav.

My inspiration for this project actually came to me when I was halfway done working through it. My T-Rex photo was missing one of his legs and I said as a joke, “I should give him a peg leg!”… and inspiration was born. From there I had fun dressing up the dinosaurs in stupid costumes and I added the party banner and boombox to complete the party atmosphere.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Avatar Poster

I recently saw 'Avatar' for the first time and it was one of the most visually amazing movies I have ever seen. I chose to do an 'Avatar' poster because I thought it would be fun to make myself into an Avatar. For the Avatar, I started by adjusting the hue and saturation until I got it close to the blue color that I wanted. I then had to darken my lips and the end of my nose with the burn tool. To get my nose right, I used the liquify filter to first stretch it out and then I used the burn tool to add some shading. I used the eye, ear and hair from the original poster. Then, I drew on the stripes and little dots. Then I used the dodge tool to lighten up the face closer to the sun. For my other face, I started by adjusting the levels and curves. Then I copied my eye to a new layer and then dropped the saturation way down on my face and bumped it up on my eye. I added a layer mask and used a gradient to make my shirt and neck fade into the background and then copied the one overlapping mountain to a new layer on top of me.